I Knew This Year Would Be Different

I knew Thanksgiving this year was going to be different. I let my family know over a month ahead of time in order to keep everyone safe, I wouldn’t be hosting nor participating in any large gatherings due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Several members of my family are in public service working the front lines as firefighters, EMTs and police officers and I fervently pray for their safety daily.

That said, I started my Thanksgiving Day off with my usual lemon and honey water followed by a treat of a cup of coffee with sugar-free pumpkin spice creamer. I rarely drink coffee nor use creamer as I know the ingredients are not healthy for my body, but it’s only one day, so I allowed myself this treat. I turned on the television in order to get ready to sit down and watch the Macy’s Parade.


I actually thought later I would start decorating for Christmas; however, I certainly didn’t expect to find myself in the bedroom going through a closet at 9:00 AM, finally ready to let go of items I’ve had since I was a child.

I was ready.

The previous evening's Virtual Breathwork Group was about realignment and my personal intention was to continue to open my heart space and focus on renewal. Clearing out items that hold energy from the past has been a mission of mine for the past few years and each time I go through things I let go of more and more, clearing that energy from my home and even my body. Each time I feel a little lighter and a little more joyous.

Are you surrounded by things that bring you joy?


Do you still have that memento from an outing years ago which at the time brought you joy, but now is on a shelf that you never really see or stuck in a box somewhere and when you do see it, it brings you sadness or pain or even anger? I have hung onto those kinds of mementos from the past, sometimes as a reminder of good things and sometimes as a badge of honor to remind myself that while I made it through that lesson, it’s not one I want to repeat again.

I also started taking pictures when I was 16 years old. That year I created my first photo album from pictures my mom let me have from when she and my dad were dating. Every album I’ve created since is in chronological order of my life…yea, a bit much, I know, but I am a very organized person.  It was at that same time I started creating scrapbooks.  Back then they were two separate books. Thank goodness someone got the bright idea to combine the two!

In my healing journey I’ve learned that everything carries energy and scientifically energy itself seeks like energy. The feelings we experience are energy and they carry a vibration that when felt gets put out into the universe.

When I am going through things in my home, for me now, it’s simple. I ask myself this question, “What feelings am I experiencing when I see or sit with this item?” Anything short of joy causes me to ask myself further questions and seek answers as to why I experience certain feelings. For me, some things are no-brainers and go into “get-rid-of” box immediately.

Other things take a lot longer.

Some things I’ve come across year after year and not been able to part with them for one reason or another. Though, once I have come to a place of peace with those things that I couldn’t quite let go of, I find that I am ready to relinquish the hold on the past in which that item claimed.

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How does the saying go? “A picture speaks a thousand words.”  I’ve kept all my photo albums and scrapbooks, the separate ones and the combined, but most all the other things I’ve had stuffed in bins for years are now gone. I have a picture of the Christmas when I was five and got the doll, Baby Tender Love. In this picture I am showing my dad this doll. I love everything about that picture, from the adorable little girl to the goofy look on my dad’s face and that picture brings me pure joy. Up until today I have hung onto that doll. I discovered last year when I put the doll and another out on the bed in the guest bedroom, that while the picture brings me joy, every time I saw the doll I felt sad, so I put them both back in the closet. At that time, I still wasn’t ready to give up the doll.

Today I was.


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