Held In The Heart

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Making Moves

Wooh! Where do I even begin...?? This year has been absolutely flying by. At the same time it has been a true moment to moment practice of staying fiercely present. As always, though certain times ask for more of this from us, right?

Some of you that are used to hearing from me a lot more may be feeling like I've been a little MIA these days. And I have been! And that's because the "action" part of that acronym has had me in a level of focus-mode this year beyond anything I've experienced thus far in my life.

It's been giving me even deeper meaning to my mantra, "one hour at a time".

I've shared before that I am someone who's soul has been assigned to grow and create and continuously heal and expand. I tend to grow through things (phases, experiences, jobs, people, places) quite quickly, and that can look a little wild to someone who doesn't know me well, or understand what it means to live in accordance with Intuition. Anymore I feel quite resolved about being misunderstood. It's ok with me if others are uncomfortable with the choices I make for myself.

It's my wish that everyone would feel this way. Is it the more challenging road a lot of times? Sure is. Trusting oneself and "doing it anyway" amidst the doubt, criticism, or resistance from others is no easy task. It requires great strength of heart, trust in one's self, and a devotion to one's own soul above all else – and a deep knowing that it is NOT selfish. Despite what the world may try to convince you to believe.

It's no one else's job (or business) to know what's Right for you.

And sometimes (ok, a lot of times!) YOU may not even know why you're being called to somewhere or something. The magic lies in stepping forward, even just a little, and trusting that you will be shown.

Imagine what's out there just waiting for you to discover it... This pull alone drives me to keep exploring. It drives me to keep taking risks, and choosing myself, my freedom, my life. One thing that imprinted deep within me at around 20 years old, a life philosophy that I have lived by ever since, is that I don't ever want to have to wonder 'what if?'

And so I risk. I leap. I dive into the unknown over and over again. I allow myself to be vulnerable, to reinvent, to start again. And let me tell you, living this way has been the greatest gift I've ever given myself. Make space for the Magic to lead you.

Are you ready to make moves and take a healing risk? Join me at EXPLORE Retreat!

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